Stone Carver featured in Luxe Magazine
"Modern Master," the title of the article explains most of what intrigued me about this guy. When I think of stone especially hand carved material I generally associate a classical style in my mind, not modern. Berthold Haas has used his skills and artistic creativity to create a more contemporary work of art for fireplace surrounds. You can view some of his work on his website. "His latest project, Fireface - a line of "ready-to-wear" fireplace surrounds- has the artist enthused about the use of clear, sharp lines. "They're very contemporary, not nostalgic." We don't often view our fireplace as a work of art or center for visual intrigue. Haas has taken the eye away from the painting on the wall toward the fireplace which is normally a common gathering place anyhow. "I am not trying to create an ambiance, but to make a work of art." Many times I have seen homes that overlook these areas as ambiance and do not consider the realm of possibilities I see in his work. His latest project Fireface is something to consider in your next design.
Charleston has some of its own carving talent below is a work by native Mary May and her contact information.
Mary May
6 months ago