Monday, December 17, 2012

ASLA CEU on Permeable Pavers

Thanks to all who came out in the rain to learn about Permeable Paver systems.  We were privileged to have a representative of Belgard Hardscapes come and speak at our office on December 12th. Ashley Snead has been with Belgard Hardscapes for over 12 years.   In his discussion Ashley addressed design and construction of projects as well as features and benefits of permeable pavement systems. Below I have included some bullet points highlighting the advantages of permeable pavers. 
Advantages of Permeable Pavers

Managing runoff
Permeable paving surfaces have been demonstrated as effective in managing runoff from paved surfaces.  Large volumes of urban runoff causes serious errosion and siltation in nearby streams and waterways.
Controlling pollutants
Permeable paving surfaces keep the pollutants in place in the soil or other material underlying the pavers, and allow water seepage to groundwater while preventing the stream erosion problems. They capture the heavy metals that fall on them, preventing them from washing downstream and accumulating inadvertently in the environment. In the void spaces, naturally occurring micro-organisms digest car oils, leaving little but carbon dioxide water. Rainwater infiltration is usually less than that of an impervious pavement with a separate stormwater management facility somewhere downstream.
Permeable pavements may give urban trees the rooting space they need to grow to full size. A "structural-soil" pavement base combines structural aggregate with soil; a porous surface admits vital air and water to the rooting zone. This integrates healthy ecology and thriving cities, with the living tree canopy above, the city's traffic on the ground, and living tree roots below.

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Rockslinger is born!


    Our newest addition to the Fieldstone Center team arrived on Monday, July 23, 2012.  Myers Henderson is ready to get his hands dirty.  I am now the proud father to my first child, a beautiful baby boy.  Every morning he stares out the window hoping to get a ride in daddy's truck.  For now, I think I will restrain from dipping his brand new monogrammed onesie into the pluff mud and let mom wine and dine him for awhile.  I am better at changing diapers anyway.  I will continue to post updates on my blog, because this kid is just to cute for words and his mom and I are so happy to have him in our lives.   

Congratulations Tyler A Smyth, Architect LLC on winning 4 tickets to the 2012 PGA Championship at Kiawah Island, SC

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekend Warriors

I usually jump at the chance to assist friends in weekend warrior projects, but this one was different. The project wasn't any more difficult but it was "HOT." The heat this time of the year makes most weekend projects take multiple weekends. Busy schedules didn't not allow for this so we put in two solid 12 hour days to finish up a beautiful bluestone patio.

Our friends John and Jessica Tabb have been staring at an ugly concrete pad for years and as a 8 year anniversary gift decided that it was time to spruce up the backyard. They stopped by our showroom and looked through countless materials like travertine, slate and coral stone. They decided on a traditional full color squared bluestone patio. Take a look below to see the before and after.

Luckily they already had a concrete pad, so the installation was slightly easier. 

I started in the corner and made sure the existing patio and house are square

As I worked my way out I laid stone to the right and left to ensure that water will run off with the correct pitch. 

As you can see I was in full sun most of the day and it was HOT.

I usually try and lay out 6-8 stones dry ahead of time to make sure that I don't have any "+" sign's or long joints. 

It is easier to bring the mortar over in buckets so you don't have to keep dumping a wheelbarrow or getting up to trowel some more mortar.

Almost there...

Finally there was some shade at the end of the day. 

I let John and Jessica lay the last couple stones

Hopefully he doesn't quit his day job.

Jessica uses the grout bag to fill in the joints

Trying to keep your joints consistent is a very hard thing to do.  Luckily the grout covers up most of your errors.

When grouting make sure you get plenty of mortar in the joints and wait to work the joint until you can no longer put your thumb through the mortar.

The finished product. 

Friday, June 29, 2012


BossypantsBossypants by Tina Fey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tina Fey is hilarious. I have never been a huge fan of the show 30 Rock. But seeing her personality come out in this book makes me want to follow it to see her next move. I always enjoyed her humor on Saturday night live and I found I could not stop laughing in certain parts of the book. Her laid back lessons on work-life issues and parenting were very informative. I particularly enjoyed the begining of the book but thought she jumped around near the end with less flow. This book lets you sit in on brainstorm sessions of writers and tv producers. It makes you appreciate how hard it is to produce SNL or 30 Rock week after week. I will never look at the men the same now that I know they pee in cups and leave them around their office.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Painting that rocks!

         For those of you that will be stuck at home this summer with screaming bored children running around on summer vacation I have an idea for you.  You may wonder what you are going to do on the first rainy day in June when the movies are packed and the beach is not an option.  Pick up some acrylic paints and paint brushes from Michaels or Hobby Lobby and a few rocks from us and your problems are solved.   


 Your kids will love helping you transform your outdoor garden into a work of art.  Have them label your new vegetable garden with the plant types or paint crawly creatures in your garden.  It doesn't matter what they are painting I guarantee they won't run out of ideas.    

I am kind of obsessed with this whole rock project idea.  Check out the links below to see some more ideas.  Martha Stewart even gets in on the fun with her create rock projects. 



The Trouble with Brick

There is a serious debate going on in historic cities like ours about the code compliance of historic paving materials. Elizabeth Padjen addresses the problem in the June issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. The article says that in historic cities like Boston, brick pavers are under siege. Stating, “ The dominance of the venerable paving material has been challenged by the decidedly more pedestrian concrete and asphalt.”

The commission for the Persons with Disabilities (CPD) does not think that brick pavers are code compliant with the ADA. “Bricks heave, sink, buckle and go missing,” says John Kelly the chair of the CPD. Landscape architects interested in historic preservation have challenged these arguments stating that “the brick sidewalks can meet the intentions of the ADA and can be designed to avoid problems such as vibration.” The article goes into detail about the proper installation of sidewalk paving materials being important. Stephen Sears of the Brick Industry Association (BIA) says, “It’s all about the base, brick is getting a bad rap for an entirely different issue, which is installation.” It is going to become more important for installers to follow proper installation techniques in order to preserve the paving products in historic cities. He bigger question I have is what about the bluestone sidewalks in Charleston. The article does not address other building materials than brick. Is bluestone more ADA compliant than clay brick? How do we ensure that the CPD does not challenge the materials used in the Holy City?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Steve JobsSteve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Reading the biography of Steve Jobs literally made me rush out and buy and iPad. Walter Isaacson’s portrait of the Apple creator isn’t picturesque. However, he does help us understand how and why Apple became the largest publicly traded company in the world. This book has everything from how to start a computer company in your garage to how to think outside the box and create totally new ideas. Apple has had its ups and downs, but whenever Steve Jobs was involved, success followed. The biography was very extensive in parts and slightly boring, but Isaacson felt every detail was important to paint the correct picture of Jobs and I respect that. Jobs as a person does not appear to be the heroic figure we always saw at a product launch. He is anal, reserved, “smelly,” and not the most friendly person. Jobs has one of the most bizarre personalities from running away from his first born kid to his vacillating food binges. The book does not hold back the criticism either. Steve jobs has a dark past, but somehow it is easily overlooked when he begins producing life changing products. Isaacson displays Jobs as an unbelievable creator of intuitive products.
I sat on the plane the other day pushing the touch screen in the head rest in front of me trying to scroll through the available music and movies. Immediately I became frustrated with the device. The touch pad did not work well and it took me ten minutes to figure out how to go back to the previous screen. Why did Delta not consult Steve Jobs. He would say that his airplane touch screen was “shit” and create a new version that worked and was intuitive. Or maybe Delta should just let you use iPad during take-off and landing and then I wouldn’t even need the stupid device. From Pixar movies to iTunes to my new iPad, Steve Jobs will be truly missed. I just hope there is a successor out there to fill the weird guys shoes because I hate new technologies that are “shit.” Until then I will continue to spend hundreds of dollars on new Apple devices, because I trust foundation Steve Jobs created of great intuitive products.

View all my reviews

Monday, June 4, 2012

Daniel Island Firepit

Artisans come in many forms. Jody Smith, owner of Overlay Solutions, LLC, prefers concrete, and uses his medium to transform just about any surface from something ordinary to an elegant focal point of your home or business. Smith is a lifelong resident of Summerville, SC . He has been trained by some of the top concrete artisans in the world

He also prefers to work hands on from start to finish on all of his projects. This insures that each and every project is completed with the approach of a true artist. The main goal of Coastal Rock productions is to create an ambiance that is fully customized to meet our clients style and needs.

Before Jody Smith started his own landscape design business over 17 years ago, he worked with some of the most elite landscape design and installation companies in the Summerville and Charleston area. Smith always enjoyed the reward of creating a relaxing and uplifting environment from the initial design phases. The design phase of his projects is what truly excited him most, putting his clients visions on paper and discussing the many options of detail for their project.

Smith decided to use his previous years of design and installation experience and implement his endless visions into decorative concrete.