On Friday May 8th, we had the privilege of hosting Jim Owens at our office on Johns Island. Jim is the executive director of the Indiana Limestone Institute of America. We had a great turnout with about 25 architects in attendance. In addition to our discussion of Indiana Limestone Simeon Warren, the Dean at the American College of the Building Arts and master stone carver gave a small presentation on how you can shape Indiana Limestone. I have included some photo highlights of the event for you to enjoy.
For those of you who did attend and had further questions about the subject matter discussed you can e-mail Jim Owens at jim@iliai.com or you can go to their website. http://www.iliai.com/
For more information about the Amercian College of the Building Arts go to their website at
To reach Simeon Warren of the ACBA you can e-mail him at warren@buildingartscollege.us
6 months ago