How do you like my new patio. Take a step by step look at how it all came together.
Dig out the patio, it is much easier to do with a machine, but nothing beats free labor.
Put down weed block fabric
Prepare the base with ROC Limestone. My used 4" of ROC
Compact the base. You can do this with a hand tamp. But you can rent a nice compactor like this one for $50.
Check the grade using multiple string lines
Have a friend double check your work
Put down sub-base used as your setting bed for your stones. I used Granite Screenings at 1" thick
Start laying out your stones. The stone I used was 1" thick Full Color Irregular Bluestone
Work from two different ends of the patio and pull and string line connecting the them to ensure you keep a consistent grade.
Continue laying stones from the outside in, so that your borders are nice straight lines.
Use a string line on any straight ends of the patio to make sure you keep a consistent line.
Put in a french drain to direct water away from the patio and house. (A french drain is a fancy name for a ditch with a slotted black pipe and loose gravel in it)
In order to prevent puddles on your patio or the water to sit next to your house your patios and walkways should always have some degree of slope. It is recommended that you have at least a quarter inch of slope over 4 feet.
Sit out and relax and enjoy your new outdoor living space.
6 months ago
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