Closing the Ravenel bridge for multiple days because of ice really messed things up for Charleston in February. Businesses were crippled, schools were closed and everyone was irate about the way everything was handled. I wasn’t happy about it myself. The thing that was talked about very little during the whole debacle was the time we were fortunate enough to spend stuck at home with our families in the middle of the week. I became daddy day care as my 18month old son and I finger painted, built blanket forts and played every game imaginable to pass the time. It wasn’t until the second episode of the ice apocalypse that I realized the time I took for granted. My brother invited me to play with him in the Northern Trust PGA Pro Am. Luckily my travel plans were not delayed because of the storm. We were paired to play with PGA elite Jim Furyk. While everyone in Charleston was once again stranded at home because of ice, I was playing golf in 75 degree weather at the Riviera Country Club in California. I learned two things during this wonderful trip. First, my golf game could use some work. Second, when you receive advise from a former US Open Champion golfer you should listen. Furyks advise, “Slow down, take your time and enjoy the moment.” He was mostly talking about my golf swing, but I took it to heart. Furyk could not have been a more personable person to spend the day with playing golf. He talked constantly about his wife and kids, his own father and his unending passion for all sports. He made me realize how fortunate I was to be invited by my older brother to spend a few days reconnecting with each other. He told me to talk my time on my golf swing, but I realized that isn’t the only thing I need to take my time on. He helped me understand that being stuck at home with your toddler when you have a long list of things that need to get done at work is a blessing.

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