Friday, August 3, 2012

My Rockslinger is born!


    Our newest addition to the Fieldstone Center team arrived on Monday, July 23, 2012.  Myers Henderson is ready to get his hands dirty.  I am now the proud father to my first child, a beautiful baby boy.  Every morning he stares out the window hoping to get a ride in daddy's truck.  For now, I think I will restrain from dipping his brand new monogrammed onesie into the pluff mud and let mom wine and dine him for awhile.  I am better at changing diapers anyway.  I will continue to post updates on my blog, because this kid is just to cute for words and his mom and I are so happy to have him in our lives.   

Congratulations Tyler A Smyth, Architect LLC on winning 4 tickets to the 2012 PGA Championship at Kiawah Island, SC